The Family Resource Network’s New Jersey Work Incentives Network Support (NJWINS) program assists Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries to start, continue or increase work efforts while maintaining benefits for as long as they are needed.
SSI Beneficiaries will learn that it is always better for them to do as much work as they can because they will always have more total monthly income and that losing a check does not necessarily mean they will lose their Medicaid as well. SSI Beneficiaries will be taught to use the following Work Incentives:
- 1619a Earnings Formula
- 1619b Medicaid
- Student Earned Income Exclusion
- Impairment Related Work Expenses
- Plans for Achieving Self Support
SSDI Beneficiaries will learn that only work can create an SSDI account and only work can change or stop the receipt of SSDI benefits. SSDI Beneficiaries will be taught to use the following Work Incentives:
- Trial Work Period
- Extended Period of Eligibility
- Impairment Related Work Expenses
- Subsidies
- 3 Month Grace Period
- Extended Medicare
- Expedited Reinstatement
Both SSI and SSDI Beneficiaries will be taught about the following:
- NJ WorkAbility Medicaid Buy-In Program
- Continuing Disability Reviews
- Ticket Usage
- Employment Networks

About the Family Resource Network
The Family Resource Network (FRN) is dedicated to offering individuals and their families with continuing needs the greatest opportunities, resources and services to support a full and happy life.
With more than 50 programs and services available for New Jersey residents living with epilepsy, autism, intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities, and chronic illness, The Family Resource Network (FRN) and its affiliates have been affecting lives of thousands of families across New Jersey for the past 49 years.
When you add these results to the thousands of people we reach through our family-friendly events, such as the “Glow, Walk, Run” Family 5k, and the Autism Beach Bash, it is clear we are making a difference in the health and happiness of thousands of families.
The Family Resource Network is a comprehensive family-focused umbrella of organizations designed to meet the growing need for community-based programs and services to individuals and families with a variety of disabilities and chronic conditions through our three affiliate organizations (below). The Family Resource Network is a statewide organization with its office located in East Windsor, NJ. FRN serves approximately 30,000 individuals annually.