Step 1:
Gather the following information:
- Any letters you have received concerning your SSI, SSDI, Medicaid or Medicare
- At least one month of paystubs
- A recent bank statement
Step 2:
To reach a NJWINS Community Work Incentives Coordinator, please visit the contacts page on this website, for the NJWINS CWIC in handling your county of residence.
Step 3:
Whenever you speak with a Community Work Incentives Coordinator, whether in person or on the phone, please have the information gathered in step 1 with you to refer to.
Your Community Work Incentives Coordinator will also request that you fill out two consent forms so that he/she can find verify the information that SSA has on your case in order to construct a Benefits Summary and Analysis Report, which will give you a detailed account of the present status of your benefits and the Work Incentives that are available to you to protect your cash and healthcare benefits, while beginning, continuing or augmenting work efforts. You may elect to use some, none or all of these Work Incentives, in Step 4.
Step 4:
Your Community Work Incentives Coordinator will meet with you to construct a Work Incentives Plan based upon the Work Incentive options provided in the BS&A Report, provided in Step 3. This report will provide you with step-by-step instructions as to how to establish and use those to instruct you on future Work Incentives you choose to use, so that you can protect your benefits for as long as you need them, while starting, continuing or augmenting work.
Your Community Work Incentives Coordinator will also remain available to you for future contact to assist you with resolving any future issues or updates to your plan.